I was handed a lovely new laptop by work, but it didn't have a pause/break key. I needed to perform password recovery on a router we'd have for too long and thus I though I was stuck for a minute.
But you can initiate a break sequence by doing the following:
- Obviously connect to the router via the console port
- Open a hyperterminal/terminal session (I use Putty.exe) and set the connection to use serial and a speed of 1200.
- Power off the router and back on again, whilst pressing the keyboard every second, for 10-15 seconds. You will just see a load of crap on the screen, but thats not a problem.
- Close the terminal session (do not power cycle the router or anything) and open a new one with the correct baud speed of 9600. You may have to press enter, but it'll put you at the Rommon prompt.
Gone are the days of downloading the resource kits (or .exe) to use robocopy. In Windows Vista, 7 and 2008 Server its standard in the OS - just type cmd and robocopy /? and see for yourself.
I have just spent 30 minutes searching our internal sharepoint server for any links to the exe when I then googled it and found this out :(
Limited learning updates recently - simply because the day job has plenty of monotonous tasks that need to be resolved before studying for CCNA Wireless and CCNP ROUTE can commence.
I'm happy to state that ICND2 was passed last week, so the CCNA acheivement I set myself for 2011 - is complete. Albeit overdue to some degree, but still only by a few months.
CCNP and/or CCNA Wireless look to be the next certifications, books due in a few days.
Hopefully I will have learnt something new to blog about at work, whilst waiting for the new books to show up.